Two-time Supersport champion and overall winner of 2022 MotoE™️ World Cup has gained a new personal sponsor in the form of the company from Oberkirch in the canton of Lucerne.
With his move to the world championship with production-based race bikes two years ago, Dominique Aegerter rushed from success to success. In 2023, the 32-year-old from Rohrbach is taking on a new challenge by moving up to Superbike World Championship. In order to be able to compete with the world's best in the premier class of production-based machines, Aegerter can count on the support of metcam AG and metcam Service from his immediate neighbourhood.
metcam AG has gained a recognized reputation for the development and handling of projects in the field of stone and earth, concrete and asphalt, as well as processing technology for gravel, concrete and asphalt plants and recycling of building materials of all kinds. Under the motto "Navigators to success", customers are competently supported with professional and creative solutions in the field of stone and earth industry, with the company’s credo based on circular economy. Together with the customers, their ideas and projects are implemented systematically, professionally and quickly. Customers benefit from decades of experience in the processing of gravel, crushed stone, recycled concrete/demolition mix, recycled old asphalt, wet slurry and road sludge.
Daniele Camuso
(metcam AG, owner and general manager)
"Passion moves many things, doing so our work in metcam and shape up our lives with passion. I have personally been passionate about two-wheels racing for many years. When the right moment for a sponsoring came, it was clear to me that we want to support a team of passionate people. Thus, a cooperation with Dominique, Kevin and their team is exactly the right one for our philosophy. We really appreciate the cooperation with the family of Dominique Aegerter and his team and look forward to everything to come!"